Friday, April 12, 2019

Growth Mindset Brain

For inquiry this term our class is learning about Growth Mindset.
 Growth mindset is when you have a positive attitude towards learning. To practice having one you need to accept what you're not good at and set goals to achieve it my class made a growth mindset brain with ways to get a growth mindset on it. Here is how it looks.

Being In Room 7 For a Day

Yesterday Ruby, Emelia and I went to Room 7 for the day. Ruby and my friends Ella and Sophie were put into Room 8 with someone else. Though we were split up we had a great day. All of us sat together on the spare table while we did work from our schedule.
We took scissors, a pencil, a pencil case, our Chromebook and our mouse. To start off with we did Writing on Noredink before doing Reading on Freckle and Epic. Then we did a Saint Joseph pamphlet. Before we could finish the lunch bell rang. After lunch, I used the afternoon time to do some more mindfulness
colouring. I didn't manage to finish but I got a lot done. Later we continued with our colouring while calming mindful music played.
A few minutes later it was the end of the day. It was one of the busiest days ever!     

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Reading Posters

this week for reading my teacher let us do study posters. we had to choose an animal to do it on. I chose giant pandas my friends Emma, Ella, Sophie, and Ruby helped with pictures the reason I chose Giant pandas is because they are my favorite animals I learned a lot of new facts about them I even found out about some new jokes wanna hear one why do pandas have fur coats? because they'd look silly in denim jackets here is how the poster looks.