Wednesday, February 27, 2019

growth mindset work

this term my class is doing growth mindset for topic/inquiry we have learnt about the power of the word yet and we've been using can do attitude towards all our work we put title pages in our book and have been working on quotes to put on display .we also put our growth mindset thoughts and our answers in our book . 

Friday, February 22, 2019

A poem about being brave

the thing about being 
is that you have to be afraid of something
to push it away and look fear in the face let it know you're not afraid and start to realise bravery is simply the strength to 
                        push you're fear and worry aside.
and live your life well so make the most of it and be brave.

I wrote this poem because a lot of people go through rough times and I think is very important to be brave.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

best friends poem

Belive in each other 
Encourge each other caring
Share and correct thoughts
Tell each other secrets 

Fight for and with you
Rely on each other
Inspire dreams 
Elagance and good looks
Never give up on you 
Do favours for you
Stand with each other forever

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

sun safety poster

new Zealand and Australia have the highest skin cancer rates in the world to stop people from getting 
 skin burnt, our class made sun safety posters with tips and tricks to be sun smart me {Meredith}😇Ella
😆Ruby and 😊Sophie made one together 
our poster has cringe jokes and tips to keep people safe I hope people and classmates like reading it. here are some facts and phrases about how to keep yourself sun smart

1 slip on a shirt slop on some sun screen slap on a hat wrap on some shades and slide under a tree.

Monday, February 11, 2019

If I Was...

 If I was a banana I would have three wishes from a genie. My first wish would  be to turn into a human girl my second wish would be to have a little sister and NOT share a room with her. My last wish would be to start school with everyone knowing me I have lots kind friends . Since I have my own room I have lot's of independence.
I grow up in this room and love it lots. Years pass by I'm now a teenager I don't have any independence  I just have a small cramed room soooo babyish. Weeks pass by yay!! I'm moving out I bought my own apartment with money from my job at Kmart. I have sooo much independence two bathrooms two bedrooms one lounge one kitchen and one dining. Years pass by wooohooo I'm getting married 
weeks pass by I'm married . years passed by 72 no grand children 
living on my own when will turn back into a banana.

I wrote this as a piece of funny free writing . To entertain my readers.